Saturday, December 8, 2012

Teenagers and Economics

A pilot project to evaluate  how teenagers react to issues of economics and comedy in a virtual space.

 The video is not clear enough for the text to show I will try and fix it. To give you a little insight, there is a text conversation going on in the video, its about the worlds economy.

Compiled by By Cynthia and Yuka

Images  and voices by habbo Hotel, Prank call YouTube and..........

US Debt

United States of America Debt (US Debt)
The United States of America is heavily indebted up to the tune of five trillion USD in foreign holdings. Lately politicians openly talk about the next generation of Americans being the first generation that will be worse off than the current generation for the first time in American history, due to economic constrains such as high national debts, high unemployment rate and low incomes. Looking at indications, a nation as powerful as US being heavily indebted to BRICS countries was an unimaginable phenomenon in the past. please click on the link to activate the debt clock.
The debt is extremely high and continues to increase in an alarming pace, the focus of US is not on paying off the debt but rather on creating more jobs, as they recently launched QE3 which is an economical stimulant program from Federal Reserve.

Federal Reserve is printing money to be loaned out to banks at a very low interest rate, consequence this money will be released into the society which will stimulate and create economic growth that will lead to job creation. Job creation increases tax revenue to the state, revenue to the state will help finance the debt. Programs of such nature come with dangers such as currency collapse i.e. increase in inflation rate which will weaken the currency, it can also increase spending in the country which will in return create high demand for consumer products and raw material, in other words lead to an appreciation in prices of consumer products and raw materials globally. This will have a great impact on the third world negatively because they cannot stay immune to the economic turmoil neither can they afford stimulus programs.
Consider this scenario, a farmer in Brazil needs to invest in a new tractor for his sugarcane farm, increase in metal price will increase the price of the tractor, fueling his new tractor also will be at a high cost because the oil price has appreciated as well, that means that the end product the sugar will be exported and sold at a much higher market price thereby affecting the entire world and more specifically developing countries that cannot afford economic stimulant programs.

The diagram below shows that stimulus programs are not solution oriented approach and does not solve the problem in a broader spectrum but rather a temporary fix.

During the period of QE1 and QE2 the graph indicates a constant drop in unemployment rate but did not necessarily fix the economic problem.
Recently American Analytic Company Standard and Poor’s took down its AAA rating on US to an AA+ due to the debt. The collapse of Lehman Brothers Bank is also a clear indication of a weakening economy.

Reducing the debt should be the focal point of the US and that will entail taking drastic and calculated measures. It is very daring to take such herculean steps because that is not what the public want to hear and going against the masses in a political arena is tantamount to political suicide, staying in power mean the opinions and the ideas of the public which most of the time could be wrong should be strongly considered, majority of the population do not want to cut down on their high expenditure nor pay high taxes, in the same way politician also do not want to compromise their political advantages, even more delicate due to the new era of globalization whereby decision in one country affects the other at the speed of light.

Tactical and rational decisions are very crucial, making difficult choices takes bravery without necessarily compromising core values and that is what the politicians should put into practice.
If only the debt could be analyzed on non-partisan political platform, it may help in taking away the blame game politicians play and the focus will be on paying off the debt. Some people might argue that paying off the debt will come with dangers such as collapse of the entire economy however I believe that with calculated and well strategize measures that can be avoided entirely. 

In a nut shell efforts, intelligence, time and substantial amount of money that politician put into campaigns should be geared toward solving the debt problem for the good of the nation and the future of the next generation of Americans to keep the American dream” alive.